Not only is it an incredible value, but it looks incredible, smells incredible, and has an incredible story! A triple threat of the giftware industry if you will!
The birth of these incredible items came from when Marshall and Megan (Pasadena, CA) decided to change their driving habits! Marshall decided to convert his car to run on used vegetable oil from surrounding restaurants. Over time he had acquired quite a bit of glycerin (its the byproduct of using this oil). His wife being somewhat of a “crafty cathy”, knew that they could take this left over glycerin and create soap. When they added the perfect combination of scents, they got BINGO! It’s incredible!
This product is derived from locally sourced depleted vegetable oil, refined and artfully converted into exceptional hand soap for clean hands and a clean conscience.Our biofuel distillation process drives our vehicles, and the pure glycerin byproduct drives FURTHER. Essential oils of bergamot, olive and grasses are combined to create a products that is at once fresh, sustainable, and pleasingly aromatic. We hope you enjoy using FURTHER as much as we enjoy making it. Wash Responsibly.