Pink Queen Protea + More Drop-In Bouquet Arrangement 4E
Our drop-in bouquets are always a hit...FOR A REASON! Instant beauty! Fool Proof! Simply drop this beautiful bouquet into any container that you already have!
This bouquet measures around 19"Hx13"W (including 6" stem length to insert into your container). It Is hand tied with a satin bow.
This bouquet includes queen protea, pink and green helleborus, tulips, sedum, purple bayleaf, rose, hydrangea, allium, ranuncus, eucalyptus, begonia leaves, and fir branch
Container NOT included with Drop-In Bouquet.
Arrangement ships in separate box alone.
- We process orders M-F 10am-4pm. ( We are closed most major holidays)
- Most orders ship out same day as placed, others ship following business day.
- We ship UPS and USPS (no PO Boxes)
- Expedited shipping available
- All shipping materials are recyclable.
- For full information on Shipping and Refunds, see Returns + Shipping Policy
- Email our support team with questions any time at
- Call for help 1-888-306-6169
For Silk Stems:
- Spray with Canned Air
- Gently wipe with soap and water on a rag.
For Real Touch Stems:
- Spray with Canned Air
- Gently wipe with a barely damp microfiber cloth, or use an unscented baby wipe.