We’re Moving!

That’s right! We’ve been looking for a new space for a while now, well way into the last part of last year, but had given up. It was amazing how many spaces were available, but the rent was still ridiculously high! So truthfully we had given up. But as we know…things are meant to happen, they just happen! Our new space is literally 116 feet from our current front door! We are taking over the front building of Cowgirl’s Attic at 1535 Delaware! Same side of the street! It’s going to over double the size of our store! PLUS…we have more vertical space…which you know what that means….YES….GO BIGGER OR GO HOME! The three of us are very excited! We are going to continue to stay open at our current location through the end of the February! And plan on opening March 1 or somewhere around there, more info will come your way for sure! We have a lot going on in the next bit including, our year anniversary, opening the new store, as well as the Spring Open House, all of which you will get more information for! For the best way to stay up to date, friend us on Facebook or join our email list(there’s a button back on our website) READY SET HERE WE GO!

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