Earlier this year in January, while at Market, we were in one of our favorite showrooms and I stumbled upon this great candle. For those of you whom do not know, I am not the candle conesuer and would never go out of my way to find one.This one, however, drew me in with the packaging, of woven rattan, brown craft paper and tied with twine… then the smell…..
At the first scent, I had the slightest of tears in my eyes. Not because of anything bad, but because of what it reminded me of. Instantly, I was 6 again, smelling the ever so faint memory of my dad’s blazer after he and mom came home from the counrty club for their weekly Friday night dinner. Subtle, but strong, the mixture of tobacco, tweed and musk. It was there, and I truly had a moment of those days when all was innocent…and now, we have brought a piece of my childhood into out store, to share….with you.
Always remember “when”.